What YOU Can Do (Two Five Zero 021)

Paul Stark
2 min readMar 16, 2022

from “Here’s What We’ll Do: The OBF book” Chapter 5: What YOU Can Do

This book is about YOU helping to save the world. There’s no guarantee we’ll manage to save the world, but the good news is: what else is there to do, really? There’s liberation in that.

This book presents a whole bunch of world-saving activities for you to choose from.

Lots of fun activities. Lots of deeply satisfying activities. Lots of deeply satisfying activities that are also fun. Saving the world will involve increasing the happiness and well-being of humans living now and those still to come. So, saving the world begins with your own happiness and well-being.

Unsurprisingly, saving the world is a big job with a lot of little jobs inside. Which is: a gigantic stroke of luck. Because it means there’s a bunch of things you already like and/or are good at that are also deeply needed. OBF formulates, suggests, organizes, supports activities; the primary mission is to find useful and meaningful activities for everyone who wants to help.

For example:

Help design a curriculum for Revelations with Friends (RWF) (The local, ongoing, small-group, low-barrier-to-entry introduction to what’s needed and why.) Help develop the emotional support component of RWF. Offer to host, invite, attend the first series of RWF meetings. Or say “Of course! I’d love to!” when asked.

Offer to read, contribute to, co-author, curate resource pages, write a blurb for, admire, one or more chapters, or say “Of course! I’d love to!” when asked.

Offer to contribute to, help develop, advise, do practical work in, one or more specific program areas that include: IT development, project planning, fundraising, editing and publishing, art work, communications, administration, content creation, culture jamming, theatrical development, or say “Of course! I’d love to!” when asked.

So ends this very quick introduction to Chapter 5.

I hear you asking, “What can I do to help save the world”

